Hog Roast Hertford – Delighted to See You All Again

After well over a year with turbulence we here at Hog Roast Hertford are delighted to see things getting down a bit smoother now, and welcome you all back for some glorious events. With the trouble of restrictions easing and getting stricter from one moment to the next it was difficult to be able to confidently provide the type of excellent service that we have been used to for the last 20 years, and to say it was painful for us would be an understatement. Hog Roast Hertford is here first and foremost to serve all our wonderful customers, and quite simply without you to toss a plate of delicious roast pork to we have nothing.

Hog Roast Hertford We of course did try our best under the circumstances quite like we all had to. Our delivery system went down a hit allowing our most valued customers to still get even just a slice of that brilliant hog roast taste and experience that they crave, and it was a relief too for us to still have some work at hand. Then as lockdowns came and went we catered to events in the limited capacities that we could, ensuring always that our customer’s safety was close at hand, and again this was a welcome reprieve to be able to have a phased return to doing what we love – even if at times the changing guidance could be frustrating for us!

But now as the sun shines bright and we all (hopefully) feel a little safer knowing that vaccinations are working and that we can have more normality again, Hog Roast Hertford has been delighted to get back in front of you all, dishing out brilliant foods and superb service for all of your grand reunions and celebrations with loved ones! It has been a hectic period for us with customers old and new rushing back, and quite honestly we wouldn’t have it any other!

Hog Roast Hertford does not take any of its fine events for granted, and we’re overjoyed to be doing exactly what we love once again. So come grab a piece today!